IAPME Seminar – Prof. Yuerui Lu from Australian National University
Mar 28 | Wed
Prof. Yuerui Lu will give a talk to IAPME. Here is the information, Title: Extraordinary Light-Matter Interaction ...
Prof. Yuerui Lu will give a talk to IAPME. Here is the information, Title: Extraordinary Light-Matter Interaction ...
Prof. Song-Nan Qu will give a talk to IAPME. Here is the information, Title: Luminescent CDots: Synthesis and App ...
3月15日,香港新華集團董事、新華科技集團總裁蔡雋思一行四人在校董會王宗發副主席引領下來到澳門大學應用物理及材料工程研究所,參觀了研究所的實驗設施,並與研究所的研究人員進行了深入而熱烈的討論。新華集團由蔡雋思的爺爺蔡繼有先生創建於1957 ...
In the 3rd UM Energy Saving Competition, IAPME has won the 3rd Prize and the “Most Improved Participant” Prize. As a so ...