Prof. Xingzhu Wang visited IAPME
Invited by Prof. Shi Chen, Chair Prof. Xingzhu Wang from the University of South China, visited IAPME on January 24, 2025. Prof. Wang gave a talk on “Design and synthesis of functional molecular materials and their application in ...
Fellows of European Academy of Sciences, Prof. Rodrigo Martins and Prof. Elvira Fortunato, visited IAPME
Guided by UM Vice Rector Prof. Rui Paulo da Silva Martins, two Fellows of European Academy of Sciences, Prof. Rodrigo Martins and Prof. Elvira Fortunato, both from NOVA University Lisbon, visited Institute of Applied Physics and M ...
Prof. Qinghua Han led a delegation from Tianjin University, visited IAPME
Prof. Qinghua Han led a delegation from Tianjin University, visited IAPME on 13 January 2025. Prof. Hui Pan, Prof. Guoxing Sun, Prof. Binmeng Chen, Prof. Haomin Song and Prof. Qing Li attended the reception of the visitors. During ...
Prof. Yansheng Yin visited IAPME
Prof. Yansheng Yin, Director of the Key Laboratory of Guangdong Provincial Universities of Guangzhou Maritime University, visited IAPME on January 14, 2025. During the visit, he delivered a speech entitled "Research and applicatio ...
The Ph.D. programme in Applied Physics and Materials Engineering integrates different disciplines in both science and engineering. As University of Macau (UM) is carrying out cutting edge research in applied physics and materials engineering, energy technology, and quantum computing, an internationally competitive postgraduate program can give strong long-term support to our ongoing research as well as, indirectly, the technology development and commercialization efforts.