Invited by Prof. Hai-Feng Li, Prof. Yinguo Xiao from Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School delivered a talk on “Exploration and Optimization of the Structural Properties of Cathode Materials Using Neutron Scattering Methods” on 25 October 2024. In his presentation, he introduced the origin of neutrons, the principles of scattering, and the application of neutron scattering in battery research. Prof. Xiao’s group utilizes ex-situ and in-operando neutron diffraction techniques to investigate the structural characteristics of cathode materials in lithium and sodium-ion batteries, particularly focusing on the real-time structural evolution of cathodes during cycling. In addition to research on cathode materials, he also discussed the construction progress of the Peking University High Resolution Neutron Diffractometer at the China Spallation Neutron Source.