Prof. Quan Li is a Distinguished Chair Professor and Director of Institute of Advanced Materials at Southeast University, China. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC). He has been elected as a member of European Academy of Sciences and a member of European Academy of Sciences and Arts. He is the honorary Editor-in-Chief of “Chinese Journal of Liquid Crystals and Displays”, the founding Editor-in-Chief of Wiley “Responsive Materials”, an editor of Springer Nature “Light: Science & Applications” etc.
Prof. Li held appointments in USA, Germany, and France and has advised over 20 postdoctoral fellows and many Ph.D. students. He has edited eight books (2 Wiley-VCH, 2 Wiley, and 4 Springer books), and has co-authored 40 chapters including the invited author of the entry entitled “Liquid Crystals” in the prestigious Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia. Prof. Li was Alexander von Humboldt Fellow in Germany.
In the presentation, Prof. Li first introduced what liquid crystals are and their properties. Based on the results of their research group, they introduced the multifunctional applications of liquid crystals and their optoelectronic stimuli-responsive materials, including optical switches, displays, tunable photonics, and photo-deformable soft systems. Finally, Prof. Li introduced the vision and development goals of the journal “Responsive Materials” he founded to the audience and encouraged researchers to submit their latest scientific research results.
Prof. Handong Sun also introduced the development strategies and scientific research status of UM and IAPME to Prof. Li and his entourage. Prof. Li expressed his appreciation for the rapid development of IAPME.