
Prof. Wei Du, Full Professor of  the Institute of Functional Nano & Soft Materials of Soochow University, delivered an engaging talk on the “AC-driven excitonic devices based on two-dimensional semiconductors” on 11 December 2024. Prof. Du shared her extensive research on Exploring the interactions of electrons, excitons and photons in two-dimensional semiconductors under the alternating current(AC) electric field will provide new information for the design of high-frequency excitonic devices.

With a prolific publication record, Prof. Du has authored 19 peer-reviewed journal papers, So far, she has published 19 papers as the first or corresponding author, including Nature Photonics (2), Nature Communications (1), Journal of the American Chemical Society (1), Nano Letters (3), Advanced Vaterials (1), Small (2) etc., and has been granted 5 patents. In May 2021, she joined the Institute of Functional Nano and Soft Materials of Soochow University, and won the National Overseas High-level Talent Youth Program in the same year.

In her presentation, Prof. Du provided a comprehensive overview of

AC-driven exciton emission and AC-driven exciton transport. She delineated the specific advantages of the study, which include: 1. Open structure, easy to couple with optical microcavity or plasmonic nanocavity. 2. Potential applications in electrically pumped excition polaritions orpolariton lasers. Recent research highlights also include, using ultrafast pump-probe techniques, characterizing the transient dynamic behavior of exciton-plasmon coupling in two-dimensional semiconductor materials, which provides the possibility of ultrafast modulation of surface plasmon signals.