Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering
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Curriculum Vitae
LI Haifeng 李海峰
Associate Professor, Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering
Academic Qualifications
M.Eng., Materials Physics and Chemistry, University of Science and Technology Beijing, China, 2003.
B.Eng., Materials Physics, University of Science and Technology Beijing, China, 2000.
Research Interests
Single crystal growth and thin film deposition
In-house comprehensive characterizations
Condensed matter science, e.g., multiferroics, superconductors, frustrations, rare-earth intermetallic systems, perovskites, films
Neutron and synchrotron X-ray scattering
Muon spin spectroscopy (µSR studies)
Teaching Areas
Absence of magnetic ordering in the ground state of a SrTm2O4 single crystal
Hai-Feng Li*, Anatoliy Senyshyn, Oscar Fabelo, Joerg Persson, Binyang Hou, Martin Boehm, Karin Schmalzl, Wolfgang Schmidt, Jean-Pierre Vassalli, Pankaj Thakuria, Xiao Sun, Liming Wang, Giorgi Khazaradze, Berthold Schmitz, Cong Zhang, Georg Roth, Javier García Roca and Andrew Wildes*
J. Mater. Chem. C 3, 7658-7668 (2015)
Disorder from order among anisotropic next-nearest-neighbor Ising spin chains in SrHo2O4
J.-J. Wen*, W. Tian, V. O. Garlea, S. M. Koohpayeh, T. M. McQueen, H.-F. Li, J.-Q. Yan, J. A. Rodriguez-Rivera, D. Vaknin, and C. L. Broholm
Phys. Rev. B 91, 054424-9 (2015)
Distinct itinerant spin-density waves and local-moment antiferromagnetism in an intermetallic ErPd2Si2 single crystal
Hai-Feng Li*, Chongde Cao, Andrew Wildes, Wolfgang Schmidt, Karin Schmalzl, Binyang Hou, Louis-Pierre Regnault, Cong Zhang, Paul Meuffels, Wolfgang Löser & Georg Roth
Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group) 5, 7968-7, 2015
Revealing the secrets of magnetic order in the new model compound SrTb2O4 by polarized and unpolarized neutron diffraction
H.-F. Li*, K. Schmalzl, W. Schmidt, A. Wildes, M. Boehm, A. Senyshyn, E. Ressouche, B. Hou, P. Meuffels, C. Zhang, G. Roth, and Th. Brückel
Scientific Highlights 2014, pg.46-47, Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, France
Magnetization, crystal structure and anisotropic thermal expansion of single-crystal SrEr2O4
Hai-Feng Li*, Andrew Wildes, Binyang Hou, Cong Zhang, Berthold Schmitz, Paul Meuffels, Georg Roth, and Thomas Brückel
RSC Advances, 4, 53602-53607 (2014)
Associate Professor, Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering, University of Macau
Assistant Professor, Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering, University of Macau
Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering and Chemical Engineering, Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain
Scientific Coworker, Institute of Crystallography, RWTH Aachen University, Germany;
Juelich Centre for Neutron Science JCNS-2 Outstation at ILL (Triple-Axis Group), Institute Laue-Langevin (ILL), France
Postdoctoral Research Associate, The Ames Laboratory, U.S. DOE, USA
The honor “Borchersplakette 2009”, RWTH Aachen University, Germany (2009)
German: praedikat schriftlich ,,mit sehr gutʻʻ, muendlich ,,mit Auszeichnungʻʻ (the Highest Honor to a Ph.D. student in Germany)(2009)
English: thesis writing “with extremely good”, oral examination “with Distinction”
“Excellent Master Thesis”, University of Science and Technology Beijing, China (2003)
Dr. Li services as a regular reviewer for the Journals of Physical Review Letters, Physical Review B, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, CrystEngComm, RSC Advances, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Superconductor Science and Technology, Analytical Methods, Physica Scripta, and Plasma Sources Science and Technology, etc.