Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering
Email (@um.edu.mo)
N23 Research Building, Room 3008 /
E11 FST, Room 4034
University of Macau
Avenida da Universidade
Taipa, Macau, China
Personal Website
Curriculum Vitae
XING Guichuan 邢貴川
Professor, Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering
Department Head, Department of Physics and Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology
Academic Qualifications
Ph.D., Physics, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 2011.
B.Sc., Fudan University, China, 2003.
Research Interests
Nano optoelectronics
Perovskite for light harvesting and light emission
Nonlinear optical properties and ultrafast carrier dynamics in novel optoelectronic materials and devices
Teaching Areas
Undergraduate Courses
Optoelectronics, Green Energy for Global Society
Ph.D. Courses
Advanced Laser Spectroscopy Technology
Chao Liang, Hao Gu, Yingdong Xia, Zhuo Wang, Xiaotao Liu, Junmin Xia, Shouwei Zuo, Yue Hu, Xingyu Gao, Wei Hui, Lingfeng Chao, Tingting Niu, Min Fang, Hui Lu, Han Dong, Hui Yu, Shi Chen, Xueqin Ran, Lin Song, Bixin Li, Jing Zhang, Yong Peng, Guosheng Shao, Jianpu Wang, Yonghua Chen*, Guichuan Xing*, Wei Huang*, “Two-dimensional Ruddlesden–Popper layered perovskite solar cells based on phase-pure thin films,” Nature Energy 2021, 6, 38.
Jia Guo, Tanghao Liu, Mingjie Li*, Chao Liang, Kaiyang Wang, Guo Hong, Yuxin Tang, Guankui Long, Siu-Fung Yu, Tae-Woo Lee, Wei Huang, Guichuan Xing*, “Ultrashort laser pulse doubling by meta-halide perovskite multiple quantum wells,” Nature Communications 2020, 11, 3361.
Guichuan Xing, Bo Wu, Xiangyang Wu, Mingjie Li, Bin Du, Qi Wei, Jia Guo, Edwin K. L. Yeow, Tze Chien Sum, Wei Huang, “Transcending the Slow Bimolecular Recombination in Lead-Halide Perovskites for Electroluminescence,” Nature Communications 2017, 8, 14558.
Guichuan Xing, Nripan Mathews, Swee Sien Lim, Natalia Yantara, Xinfeng Liu, Dharani Sabba, Michael Grätzel, Subodh Mhaisalkar, Tze Chien Sum, “Low-temperature solution-processed wavelength-tunable perovskites for lasing,” Nature Materials, 2014, 13, 476-80.
Guichuan Xing, Nripan Mathews, Shuangyong Sun, Swee Sien Lim, Yeng Ming Lam, Michael Grätzel, Subodh Mhaisalkar, Tze Chien Sum, “Long-range balanced electron-and hole-transport lengths in organic-inorganic CH3NH3PbI3,” Science, 2013, 342, 344-347.
Aug 2021-present
Professor, Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering, University of Macau
Aug 2020-Jul 2021
Associate Professor, Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering, University of Macau
Aug 2016-Aug 2020
Assistant Professor, Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering, University of Macau
Research Assistant, Research Fellow, Senior Research Fellow, Division of Physics & Applied Physics, School of Physics and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Excellence in Research – IAPME Academic Awards 2020/2021
Excellence in Research – IAPME Academic Awards 2019/2020
PVSEC-26 Young Scientist Award (2016)
Thousand Yong Talents Program (2015)
Two postdoctoral positions are available at the Ultrafast Optoelectronics Lab (UOLB) of the Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering (IAPME) in the University of Macau.
The successful candidates will be involved in developing and applying ultrafast nonlinear spectroscopic techniques to a variety of important optoelectronic systems for both fundamental physical studies and applications. These techniques will afford a prerogative opportunity to quantitatively explore the individual photo-physical and photochemical processes with high spatial, spectral and temporal resolution.
Our candidates are expected to have a PhD degree in physics, materials science and engineering, ultrafast laser science or related field with experience in one or more of the following areas: metal halide perovskites, light harvesting and light emission, ultrafast nonlinear spectroscopies, quantum confined systems, or two dimensional materials.
These positions carry competitive salary (US$62K/year, or RMB400K/year) and benefits initially for two-year term, may be renewable depending upon future funding situations and performance of the candidates. Interested candidates should forward a CV with name and contact information of two references to gcxing@um.edu.mo. We will start reviewing applications and continue that until the positions are filled.