Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering
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Curriculum Vitae
LI Zongjin 李宗津
Emeritus Professor, Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering
Academic Qualifications
Ph.D., Structural Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA, 1993.
M.S., Structural Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA, 1990.
B.S., Civil Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hongzhou, China, 1982.
Research Interests
Durability of concrete
Carbon nanotubes, graphene and 2D materials
Fiber reinforced concrete
Fracture of concrete
Nondestructive testing in civil engineering
Development of advanced building products using extrusion technique
Functional materials in civil engineering
Lu, Z., Hou, D., Ma, H., Fan, T., & Li, Z., “Effects of Graphene Oxide on the Properties and Microstructures of the Magnesium Potassium Phosphate Cement Paste,” Construction and Building Materials, 119, 107-112, 2016.
Tang, S. W., Cai, X. H., Zhou, W., Shao, H. Y., He, Z., Li, Z. J., … & Chen, E., “In-situ and Continuous Monitoring of Pore Evolution of Calcium Sulfoaluminate Cement at Early Age by Electrical Impedance Measurement,” Construction and Building Materials, 117, 8-19, 2016.
Pei, Huafu, Zongjin Li, and Ying Li, “Early-age Shrinkage and Temperature Optimization for Cement Paste by Using PCM and MgO based on FBG Sensing Technique,” Construction and Building Materials, 117, 58-62, 2016.
Sun, Guoxing, Liang, Rui, Lu, Zeyu, Zhang, Jinrui, Li, Zongjin, “Mechanism of Cement/carbon Nanotube Composites with Enhanced Mechanical Properties Achieved by Interfacial Strengthening,” Construction and Building Materials, 115, 87-92, 2016.
Zongjin Li, Yamei Zhang, Chris Leung, Yunsheng Zhang, and Huisu Chen, “Construction Materials,” China Architecture & Building Press, pp 339, 2014.
Aug 2022-present
Emeritus Professor, Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering, University of Macau
2017-Aug 2022
Chair Professor, Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering, University of Macau
Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, HKUST
Chief Scientist of China 973 National Key Research project, “Basic Study on Environmentally Friendly Contemporary Concrete”
Adjunct Professor, Southeast University
Director, PG Program of Nano-Science and Nano-Technology
Associate Dean, School of Engineering, HKUST
Associate Professor (A), Dept. of Civil Engineering, HKUST
Associate Professor (B), Dept. of Civil Engineering, HKUST
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, HKUST
Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Zhejiang University
Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Structural Engineering, Shandong Institute of Civil and Architectural Engineering
Research Associate, NSF ACBM Center, Northwestern University, USA
Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Northwestern University, USA
Instructor, Shandong Institute of Civil and Architectural Engineering, China
Distinguished Visiting Fellowship Award, Royal Academy of Engineering, UK (2013)
Fellow, American Concrete Institute (2012)
The Study on Design Theory, Processing Technique, and Forming Mechanism of Geopolymer Structural Materials, The Second Class Award of Natural Science, The Education Ministry, China (2009-068) (2010)
Zongjin Li, and Guoxing Sun. Super elastic hydrogels achieved by incorporation of “non-aggregated” 5 nm calcium hydroxide nano-spherulites. 15/04/2016. US Provisional Patent Application No. 62/390943.
Zongjin Li, Su Diao, Asad Hanif, Huafu Pei, and Guoxing Sun. Thin-walled Bowl-shaped Shell Type Floating Straight-Bladed Darrieus Vertical Axis Wind Power Generation System. 27/11/2015. US Provisional Patent Application No. 62/124429. Chinese Full Patent Application No. 201110432423.7. International Application No. PCT/CN2015/097589.
Independent Director, D&G Technology Holding Company Ltd. (2015-present)
Chairman, Advisory Committee, Admixture Application Sub-Association, China Concrete and Precast Association (2014-present)
Vice Chairman, Academic Committee, Tongji University MOE Key Building Materials Laboratory in China (2011-present)
Vice Chairman, Academic Committee, State Key Silicate Materials Laboratory in China (2011-present)
Member of Academic Committee, State Key Advanced Civil Engineering Materials Laboratory (2009-present)
Appeal Tribunal Panel, HKSAR (2009-2012)
Chairman, Academic Committee, Guangzhou Key Building Materials Laboratory (2007-present)
Chairman, Academic Committee, Sichuan Key Building Materials Laboratory (2007-present)
Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (2007-present)
Prof. Zongjin Li’s research group