Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering
Email (@um.edu.mo)
University of Macau
Avenida da Universidade
Taipa, Macau, China
Personal Website
Curriculum Vitae
SHAO Huaiyu 邵懷宇
Associate Professor, Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering
Academic Qualifications
B.S., Materials Chemistry, Peking University, China, 2000.
Research Interests
Nanosize and Nano Processing
Electrochemical catalysis
Hydrogen Energy
Teaching Areas
Chemistry and Modern Society (CHEM 111 and GEST014)
Green Energy for Global Society (GEGA021, GEGA1006)
Jingjun Shen, Manting Zhang, Yike Huang, Chen Chen, Yihao Zheng, Shengyang Dong, Jiangmin Jiang, Wen Lei, Shuangyin Wang, Huaiyu Shao*, Ru-induced lattice expansion of metallic Co with favorable surface property for high-efficiency water electrolysis, Applied Catalysis B: Environment and Energy, 2024, 358, 124392.
Dawei Chen, Jiani Liu, Jingjun Shen, Yiqiong Zhang*, Huaiyu Shao*, Chen Chen*, Shuangyin Wang*, Electrocatalytic C−N Couplings at Cathode and Anode, Advanced Energy Materials, 2024, e2303820.
Yan Guo, Jing Li, Gaoqian Yuan, Junpo Guo, Yun Zheng, Yike Huang, Qi Zhang, Jielei Li, Jingjun Shen, Chenhao Shu, Jincheng Xu, Yuxin Tang, Wen Lei*, Huaiyu Shao*, Elucidating the Volcanic Type Catalytic Behavior in Lithium Sulfur Batteries via Defect Engineering, ACS Nano, 2023, 17, 18253–18265. (Sep. 5, 2023)
Yongyang Zhu, Liuzhang Ouyang*, Hao Zhong, Jiangwen Liu, Hui Wang, Huaiyu Shao*, Zhenguo Huang*, Min Zhu, Closing the loop for hydrogen storage: Facile regeneration of NaBH4 from its hydrolytic product, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 59 (2020) 8623-8629.
Junpo Guo, Dongqi Dong, Jun Wang*, Dan Liu, Xueqing Yu, Yun Zheng, Zhaorui Wen, Wen Lei, Yonghong Deng, Jie Wang*, Guo Hong* and Huaiyu Shao*, Silicon-based lithium ion battery system: state of the art from half and full cell viewpoint, Advanced Functional Materials, 31 (2021), 2102546. August 20, 2021.
(160 journal papers published or in press. Total times cited: 6223, h-index: 44, up to Nov. 11, 2024)
Aug 2019-present
Associate Professor, Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering, University of Macau
Aug 2016-Aug 2019
Assistant Professor, Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering, University of Macau
May 2011-Jul 2016
Assistant Professor in International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research (WPI-I2CNER), Kyushu University, Japan
Apr 2009-Aug 2011
Postdoc in Department of Heterogeneous Catalysis, Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Germany
Jul 2005-Mar 2009
Postdoc in Energy Technology Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan
2023.10 Most Valuable Paper Award in 10 years, Journal of Magnesium and Alloys (SCI, IF=15.8), China
2023 2022-2023“創客中國”國際中小企業創新創業大賽决赛—–亚軍 The Second Place at the 2022-2023 “Maker China” SME Innovation and Entrepreneurship Global Contest Final.
2022 中國(長沙)海外人才創新創業大賽—–總决賽,一等獎(綠色低碳賽道第一名)the first prize in the finals of the 2022 China (Changsha) Overseas Talent Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (the first place in the green and low-carbon track).
2022 2022港澳臺創新創業大賽全國賽——三等獎 (第四名,港澳類企業第一名)
2022 第八届珠海“菁牛匯”創新創業大賽—–晋級决賽,三等獎
2022 2022前海粵港澳臺青年創新創業大賽—–最具潛力獎
2022 Multi-recommended awards (7), 2022 Macao Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition 2022 澳門青年創新創業大賽7項推送獎項, Macau.
2022, 第二届海峡两岸暨港澳能源青年论坛, organizing committee member;
2021, International Conference on Frontier Materials 2021, Academic Committee;
2018 The 14th Cross-Strait Workshop on “Nano Science and Technology” (CSWNST14), Macau, Macau SAR (China), June 2018, organizing committee member;
2018 International Conference on Nanoscience & Technology, New York, USA, May 2018, organizing committee member;
- 2018 International Conference on Environmental and Energy Engineering, Xiamen, China, March 2018, international technical committee member;
- 2017 International Conference on Environmental and Energy Engineering, Suzhou, China, March 2017, international technical committee member, session chair;
- 2016 Macau Summit on Carbon and Energy Materials, Macau, China, Nov. 2016, responsible local organizer;
- 2016 International Conference on Small Science, Prague, Czech, June 2016, session organizer and chair;
- 2014 U.S. National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (USNCTAM2014), Lansing, MI, USA, June 2014, session organizer of Mechanics of Energy Storage session;
- 2013 the 1st International Young Scientists Fusion Forum, Chengdu, China, October 2013, symposium organizer and chairman;
- 2013 the 12th China International Nano-Science and Technology Symposium, Chengdu, China, October 2013; Committee Vice-Chairman;
- 2013 American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting 2013 Fall , Indianapolis, USA, Sep. 2013, session organizer of Hydrogen Energy session; etc.
• Editorial (Youth Editorial) Board Journal of Magnesium and Alloys (IF=15.8), Rare Metals (IF=9.6), Frontiers in Energy Research (IF=2.964), Metals (IF=2.6), Inorganics (IF=3.1), etc. Journals.
• Editor for Book of “Hydrogen Storage: Preparation, Applications and Technology” by Nova Scientific Publishers (New York, USA).
• Lead guest editor for a special issue of “Hydrogen Carriers for Hydrogen Transport and Storage”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Impact Factor: 4.3, Elsevier. 2024.
• Editor for new launched Elsevier Journal-Materials Chemistry and Physics: Sustainability and Energy.
Reviewer for: (2005-present)
Grant proposal reviewer for:LE STUDIUM (France, co-financing from the European Union Horizon 2020 and the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)), Romanian National Research Council. (2011-present)